What if I have a really great Project idea?

Engage the people in your area, search the platform for similar projects, gauge interested Contributors. If you are still resolute in the concept and potential execution of your project, Post It, and start collaborating with others to accomplish it.

Why doesn't this platform serve existing charities?

Anybody, including charitable organizations are welcome and encouraged to use Organized Effort. We built this platform for all people to self-organize and collaborate, irrespective of their status. We see the true power of this platform in egalitarian, grass roots open use, so that the spotlight is placed on Effort and People.

Where is Organized Effort based?

Organized Effort, Inc. is a Not-for-profit Canadian Corporation with the following purpose:

  • To provide a public amenity by establishing and maintaining an internet application space available for the public at large, to facilitate collaboration on altruistic public good projects.

  • To provide a public amenity by establishing and maintaining an internet application that allows members to donate their effort through the avenue of their time and skills, to altruistic public good projects.

  • To provide a public amenity by establishing and maintaining a publicly available internet repository of knowledge created by the results of the members' donation through their effort, as it is logged.

  • To advance education by providing skill training programs to all members who register for receiving these programs.

  • To advance education by providing mentorship and knowledge transfer programs to all members who register for receiving these programs.